Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Light at the End of the Theory

The course I'm currently taking is coming to an end soon. It is about learning theory.

My view on how I learn hasn't really changed. I still believe that cognition and construtivism are the two learning theories that best describe how I learn.

I have recognized in studying learning theory that much of what I did not learn (or learned incorrectly) about interacting with people is the result of behaviorist learning concepts. The punishments and rewards for behavior conditioned me in certain ways that did not prepare me with people skills, for example.

In this class I have gained insight into how I can now learn better, by implementing connectivism (creating a personal learning network).

To update my thoughts from my previous post, I found citavi to be perhaps a part of my personal learning network, but not the center. I read Miguel Ghulin's post about PLNs and decided to try Diigo as the foundation of my PLN. At least for now. The half-life of this decision might be based on the half-life of the information I find during the first half of next week.


Guhlin, Miguel. (2012, October 1). “The CTO Challenge: Building Your Personal Learning Network” [Blog post] Retrieved from


  1. I am so privileged to be working with you via Walden University. It is sincere wish to improve Distance Education via our communications. Marla

  2. I am now following your blog. I look forward to working with you in class.

  3. Looking forward to reading more on your blog!


  4. I am now following your blog. Brian Etters EDUC6135

  5. Gary

    I am now following your Blog. The Distance Learning (EDUC - 6135 - 3) course appears to be very hectic, at least the first week does, so hope all goes well.

    Mark Chamberlain

  6. Gary

    I subscribed to your Blog so hopefully I am following your post.

    Mark Chamberlain

  7. Gary

    My comments don't seem to be showing up. Just giving you a heads up that I am following your Blog!

    Mark Chamberlain

  8. Mark,

    Your comments were just waiting my moderation. Like many social happenings on the Internet, blogs are subject to possible spam. One way to avoid it is to personally approve each comment before it is published. I had not done that yet that's all. -Gary

  9. Hi Gary!

    I have subscribed to your feed and look forward to following your posts.

    Thank you.
    Sandra G.

    EDUC 6135
